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Blog Post:Your properties on PriceCheck Back to Blog

SEP 2017 20
  • 20 SEP 2017

We are happy to let you know that we have completed our feed to PriceCheck Property and now all your properties will appear there!

“With over 11 years in the South African market, a strong online brand, and 2.5 million visitors PriceCheck has evolved into a comprehensive shopping destination for the consumer.”

The website presents the properties beautifully and as they are a very strong brand in South Africa having your properties there will generate you leads and also impress your sellers - don’t forget to let them know their property is listed there by sending them an “owner email” (let us know if you want help).

PriceCheck will be charging for property listings in the future, but are currently on a free trial. They will give you advance notice before they start charging.

estate agency experts // complete solution // outstanding customer support // best value