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Blog Post:Features - New and Existing Back to Blog

JUN 2018 07
  • 07 JUN 2018

It’s time for a quick update on a new feature and a reminder of one you might have forgotten about or are not using yet.

New - Webmail Link

We have added the link to your webmail mailbox to the bottom of every page of your admin console. Quick and easy to find:
Link to webmail in admin console

Reminder - Property Capture Sheet

This complete property checklist can be downloaded and printed so all information needed to list a property can be captured in one go - no need for any back and forth about items you might have forgotten to check. To download the capture sheet, follow the steps outlined in the pictures below:

Click on "downloads" in the admin console help section

Click on "Property Capture Sheet" to download it

Enjoy these features and if you have any feedback or questions we would love to hear from you.

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