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Blog Post:Exclusive Facebook offer For WEB-BOX clients Back to Blog

MAY 2020 25
  • 25 MAY 2020

Do you want to learn how to run your own Facebook business page? This is where web-box can help. We are currently running a lockdown Facebook special which will get you up and running quickly, but most importantly, you will also get a 12 week training course that will allow you to confidently host and contribute to your page.

This web-box client lockdown special is a 50% discount off the setup price (R925 + VAT instead of R1 850 + VAT) and a 35% discount off the monthly fee (R1 007.50 + VAT instead of R1 550 + VAT) for the first six months.  

Facebook is an integral source of information for potential sellers and buyers. It also gives your brand credibility, so with this special you can enjoy peace of mind knowing you now have a professional social media presence that you are also able to manage.

See full details of the package here.

If you are interested, please email us and we will get in touch.

estate agency experts // complete solution // outstanding customer support // best value